Binatone, a UK-based provider of telecom products, has entered the Indian market with the launch of its Android-based Home Surf Touch Tablet. The new tablet, which is almost as slim as the iPad, runs on Google's Android 1.6, has an 8-inch resistive screen, Wi-Fi, 2 GB onboard storage, 128 MB RAM and is powered by an ARM 11 667 MHz processor.
Binatone said the Home Surf Touch tablet is priced at Rs. 9,000/-, which is less than half that charged by other Android tablets available in the market today. The 8-inch Home Surf Touch Tablet based on Android technology powered by Google.
"Binatone plans to invest Rs. 50 crores in the next 12 months in technology, product development and marketing. Our products are specifically 'Indianized' with special features like 'Audio boost', 'Power saver' and 'Binatone Zone', which all have been carefully market researched and implemented to address the specific Indian needs," added Murthi.
Murthi outlined the company's development of futuristic products with solar charger mobile handsets to address the frequent power outages in rural markets. "Binatone is also bringing in the low cost 3G handsets by end of the year to cater to the deployment of newer technologies in India," said Murthi.
Dino Lalvani, Chairman Binatone Communications Group, said, "The Home Surf Touch Tablet is the first of its kind in India. To reinforce this excitement it will be aggressively priced at Rs. 8,995/- in retail. The Home Surf Touch Tablet, with its ultra slim design can access the Internet on Wi-Fi. The battery operated device can retain its charge for several hours in video, Web browsing and many other applications for daily use."
"India deserves the best of technologies in communication and we at Binatone, with our 50 years of experience, will harness the latest in innovative technologies and bring them to market affordably. Our India software team, based out of Bangalore, is always exploring newer technologies and our collaboration with semiconductor partners helps us to work on cost effective solutions, given our economies of scale which is supported by our global reach," added Lalvani.